This listing is for Mercedes Benz GENUINE BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH W210 E class W170 SLK class W208 CLK Class W901-5 Sprinter W202 C CLASS W163 ML class THIS IS A 6 PIN PLUG

A brake light switch in a car is a small, but important component that helps to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers on the road. This switch is located near the brake pedal and is responsible for sending a signal to the car's brake lights when the pedal is pressed. Essentially, the switch determines when the driver is using the brakes, and then activates the lights to signal to other drivers that the car is slowing down or stopping.

Without a functioning brake light switch, drivers could inadvertently put themselves and others at risk by driving without proper brake lights. This can make it more difficult for other drivers to see when a car is slowing down or stopping, which can lead to accidents or collisions. In addition, a malfunctioning switch can also trigger warning lights on the car's dashboard, which can lead to confusion or anxiety for drivers. Overall, the brake light switch may seem like a small component, but it plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of everyone on the road.